Saturday, January 30, 2010


“Each time we face our fear, we gain strength, courage, and confidence in the doing.” ~Unknown~

Fear of loss has always been a big issue in my life. I have, only recently, begun to shed that fear. I came to the realization that nothing is permanent. People leave, things get loss, feelings ebb. Once the thing that I held so dearly to is lost though, I see the futility of all the anxiety, the heartburn over keeping it. I start looking for and finding ways of living without it. And the human mind and spirit, amazingly resilient as they are, discover reasons and conviction for why I am better off without that which is now lost. I have come to the understanding that I will never truly enjoy the finer intricacies of the things and/or people that I hold dear if I spend my time concentrating on keeping them rather than concentrating on the value of their presence in my life. 
This change in me has brought on a knew feeling, a feeling of courageousness.  Fear is a necessary evil, for without fear there is no courage. Courage is not only necessary when in a battle , it is needed in all aspects of life. It takes courage for each and everyone of us to simply get out of bed each morning. We have the choice of simply pulling the covers over our head and hiding from the day. Instead, though, we swing our legs over the edge of the bed, stand up and face it. The courage that we muster each morning is what gets us through the day. Some days we face bigger battles than others, and some days we go to bed thankful that it was relatively calm.
Each time I now feel myself fearing something, whether it be losing something or someone, trying something new, or moving in a direction I never thought I would go; I simply think of the worst that can happen, accept that as something that may or may not occur and move on. Fear can not rule our lives, but it can be used to help us live them. 

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